26th December has witnessed the annual boxing day in UK. In Oxford Circus there are people everywhere, almost twice the number as usual. Most of the shop gives out maximum 50% sales and people in shop crowd together excessively, making the day very messy and crowdy for lots of people.
As early as 9 o'clock in Oxford Circus, shoppers are everywhere. Carrying various kinds of bags, they walk in the street busily. Some of them even bring suitcase with them. Surprisingly, lots of Chinese are spotted in the crowd, making the story that Chinese are spending more money on the luxury convincing.
As great number of shoppers pour into the super department and bring great pressure on the security, most of the counter, especially the big brands', begin to control the number of customers. Shoppers who want to pick up some discount in those big brands' counters have to queue for a long time. Some counters even limit the time for the customers' shopping. All these obviously makes shopping in Boxing Day not so pleasant.
The large number of shoppers also places pressure on the security of the super department. As too many customers enter and leave the super department, there is no enough time for the security to check whether all of them have paid even though the siren keeps ringing. Some of the customers report various kinds of property loss during the day.
Retailers had reported sales were up to 70 per cent higher than last year, a fantastic result considering the economic climate, he said.