news, critics and reviews
Humanity or Sheltering?
Recently the case that the execution of an British man named Akmal Shaikh causes a heated discussion. Britain criticizes the unhumanity of Chinese legal system and claims that Akmal Shaikh has mental disease, while Chinese government totally ignores their objections and executes this criminal on yesterday morning. The action of Chinese government has angered Britain, Britain even summoned the Chinese Ambassador to London and told her that her country had failed in its basic responsibilities on human rights according to the Times.
But there is one little question which seems so obvious in this case: how does a mentally ill patience manage to arrive in China and "accidentally" takes up a suticase which fills up with heroin? What is the chance of taking a case which is not yours and then finding out it is full of heroin? The reason that Britain gives is so weak and unreasonable. They always accuse Chinese government of being unjustified and dictatorial, but when it comes to their own citzen they stop talking of justice.
According BBC news, a report from the official Chinese news agency Xinhua said that China's Supreme People's Court had not been provided with any documentation proving that Mr Shaikh had a mental disorder.
In a statement, Mr Brown said: "I condemn the execution of Akmal Shaikh in the strongest terms... I am particularly concerned that no mental health assessment was undertaken."
Murdering Father and Mother for Ban on Internet
On the morning of Christmas day, Lu called the police and said he found his father and mother dead in the house. Police quickly came and sent the injury to hospital. After detection, the police spotted Lu a suspect for this murder since the time of the death did not match with what Lu reports and there was no signs of resistance in the body. Under great pressure Lu confessed he was the murderer.
The main reason for him to commit the crime is that he father had turned off the electric brake when he was surfing the Internet. Out of anger, he began to argue with his father and then they two had a fight. Lu took up an axe and hacked his father to death. Hearing the noise of fighting, his mother came and tried to stop his son. But she was also hacked and lost her left eyes.
One of the psychological professor says this incident is attributed to the addiction to the Internet. Lu has relied on the Internet too much and lacks communication with his parents. Therefore when his father tries to stop his son, he does not choose a good way to solve this problem but commits crime. It is a great tragic.
Shopping Day for Everyone in London

26th December has witnessed the annual boxing day in UK. In Oxford Circus there are people everywhere, almost twice the number as usual. Most of the shop gives out maximum 50% sales and people in shop crowd together excessively, making the day very messy and crowdy for lots of people.
As early as 9 o'clock in Oxford Circus, shoppers are everywhere. Carrying various kinds of bags, they walk in the street busily. Some of them even bring suitcase with them. Surprisingly, lots of Chinese are spotted in the crowd, making the story that Chinese are spending more money on the luxury convincing.
As great number of shoppers pour into the super department and bring great pressure on the security, most of the counter, especially the big brands', begin to control the number of customers. Shoppers who want to pick up some discount in those big brands' counters have to queue for a long time. Some counters even limit the time for the customers' shopping. All these obviously makes shopping in Boxing Day not so pleasant.
The large number of shoppers also places pressure on the security of the super department. As too many customers enter and leave the super department, there is no enough time for the security to check whether all of them have paid even though the siren keeps ringing. Some of the customers report various kinds of property loss during the day.
Retailers had reported sales were up to 70 per cent higher than last year, a fantastic result considering the economic climate, he said.
Big Snow Blocked Lunton Airport and Caused Chaos
According to the Times, British Airways and the Irish carrier Ryanair also warned of delays and cancellations due to the heavy snow and freezing temperatures, which have already caused chaos on the roads and forced the suspension of Eurostar train services through the Channel Tunnel.
“EasyJet sincerely apologises to those who have been affected by the disruption caused by such exceptional circumstances, and would like to reassure passengers the airline is doing everything possible to minimise the delays and cancellations and get them to their destination as soon as possible,” the airline said.
Besides planes, bus are also blocked on the way to the airport. Lots of passengers are forced to stand in the snow to queue for the bus and leave the airport.
Many passengers have given up the christmas plans for the severe weather.
Human Powered Search=Infringement of Personal Rights
This incident is named as the first human powered search in China for its influence and impact. Leyi Zhang is a friend of Wang Fei's wife, who kills herself for the betral of her husband. Out of anger, Leyi puts her blog address and some articles about her broken marriage in one of the biggest forum in China. Quickly, this incident catches people's attention. Lots of people copy Leyi's articles and publish them in forum, and the misery of the suicide wife strikes people's heart. A big human powered search then is triggered. Soon Wang Fei's personal information is found and put out in the Internet. From that day on, he receives lots harrassing telephones, loses his jobs and cannot find another one since no companies dare to hire him. After four months' frightening life, he decides to sue Leyi Zhang for violating his privacy.
"He[Wang Fei] hopes people can forget this incident." The lawyer of Wang Fei says, "after all he is in a disgraceful place in this story."
Though Wang Fei never turns up in the court, he is said to have found a new job and starts his life as a normal person again.
For Leyi Zhang's lawyer, time will tell whether this verdict is reasonable. "I think, no many people will agree with this verdict."
Chongqing KTV refuses unprintable songs
As the official says, this system is complusory but free to enstall. Once someone request a prohibated songs, the light will shine and then the system will automatically call the police.
But there is one little question: why will a prohibated song appear in the menu? And how do they judge whether a song is obscene or not?
Love Impotence for Chinese Men
According to a research made by Guangzhou social organization, citizens put love in a lower place compared with money and enterprise. With the increasing pressure in daily life, people now seem to consider practical problem first, placing emotional needing in the last place.
The basic judgements for Love impotence are as follows: Do you have a loved one? Do you feel anxious if you have to be single for more than two years? Do you think that marriage is just for the physical and encomonical needs, not for love? If all the questions' answer are yes, then you are probably a victim for Love Impotence.
"I am afraid of falling love with girls." One of the men says, "They all ask for one thing that I cannot give them from me--marriage. Nowadays' women are very direct, they want nothing but marrige; I really cannot afford such a love game."
The common reasons that those people provide for their single are pressure from work, too busy, financial problem and etc. But the real one is their infeior complex. Most of people in this group hide their love from their loved one since they think they do not have enough money to bring the woman happiness. But actually it is not so bad as they think. Women may not ask for one million but just a flower. Men put money too high and make this barrier themselves.
One of the professor in psychology says:"Failure to construct a fine sense of self-respect is the reason contributing to love impotence. Another reason for Love Impotence is growing up in an environment where there is no enough love. When one cannot feel love, naturally he or she will not know how to give it."
Bad weather stopped trains and planes
On 18th December, the train from Canterbury to London was forced to stop in the middle of the journey. One of the railway carriage was left in the track for unknown problem. No heating and no light inside, passengers has waited for another train to pick them up for more than two hours.
"It is freezing." One of the passengers says, "They first tell us to wait for the next train for about half an hour, and then they say they cannot make it because there is no signal; and we have to wait for another one hour an half, it is awful."
Train is not the only traffic tool that is affected by the bad weather. Lots of plans are suspended and even cancelled for the big snow. Since now it is the Christmas time, thousands of people have to reconsider their travelling plan.
Forecasters said that the cold snap would last into the middle of this week but were unable to say whether it would continue over Christmas.
A Film You Should Never Miss--Review for Avatar
The first thing that Avatar captures you is its visual impact. Certainly James Cameron does not waste 14 years and that big sum of money, he successfully turns these into a unbelievably glamous planet Pandora. In days you see clear blue sky with unknown purple strange dragons flying, at night there are beautiful planets and colourful lights; you see new plants, animals who look like those in mythology and a totally new species with blue skin and gloden eyes... It is said that the director spends years in creating such a dreamy planet and even can publish a book about its biological circle and the language of Navi, the special species living in Phadora. The hard working and persistance to this imaginative world of the director has awarded him the perfect visual impact of Avatar.
The second advantage of this film is the story. You read out antiwarism, environmental protection and peace in this film. When labelled as 3D film, Avatar may give people the impression that it is only a sensational film; but James Cameron proves his ambitious to make this film far more significant. It tells out how the leading role tries his best to protect a totally new planet from the ruin of human being. At the same time it shows to the audience the love between different species, and the anxiety to protect the green and harmonious biological circle in this planet. Combining with the Copenhagen coference discussing about climate change, this film certainly contains much significance.
However, it still does not get away with the Hollywood pattern. If you look into it, it is still about the-American-rescue-the-world stereotype. Even this time it is the Navi species, they are still waiting for the leading role--an American--to save them from death. When the hero is not in his Avatar, an artificial body designed to explore Pandora, he is a paraplegic and much the same like the ordinary. But when he is transfered to his new body, he is able to do a lot more. He learns the language, he masters the most brilliant dragon in this star, he marries the best woman of Navi, he saves the whole species and even the whole planet... OK, it is still the same--people are in difficulties and an American hero appears and rescue them all.
Still, it is a good film which you should never miss in present. If planning to watch it, remember to book the IMAX 3D version, you will get the best enjoyment.
Harvard Girl appeals to Obama for Rescuing Prisoned Chinese Fiance
Julie met her fiance, a security custody clerk in 1999, at which time she was writing a book about travelling for a press in China. They originally planned to get married this year. Unfortunately, her fiance is now sentenced to prison on charge of housebreaking.
The incident that causes her fiance to be in prison is a fight between his brother and a guy named Liu Shi Xun in the same village. Liu Shi Liang, her fiance, had a fight with Liu Shi Xun afterwards. The first sentence by the judge is five years for Liu Shi Xun, he did not feel satisfied with the result and lodged an appeal, and the second one comes as prison for Liu Shi Liang.
Julie is confused at this result, especially the charge of housebreaking. She knows people do not ask for permission to enter the neighbour's hourse in the small Chinese villages. The lawyer also says it is very strange since this charge only applies for the very serious case. Julie has to believe Liu Shi Xun has secured advantages through connections and intentionally makes out this result. Her love towards her fiance spurs her to ask for an audience with the higher authorities to change this sentence.
But her appeal does not go smoothly. She finds that she barely see the leaders. Most of them do not show up in their office, and even their subordinates do not know where they are. Out of ideas, she even tries to ask Obama for help during his visit to China, but he refuses to meet her.
"I think some places in China, law still cannot be seperated from human relations."
Now Julie does not know what to do next, all she hopes is to overcome the difficulties in present.
16% for One Night Stand, 16% for Prostitute--the way single men letting off their
According to a survey done by the Family Planning Commission, the number of men outstrips that of female for about 37,000,000. "This number is even increasing in short times." One of the official in FPC says, "No country in the world faces such a serious situation as China."
Then how will they let off their sexual desire? Most people think they may go to the prostitue's or one night stand, but actually most of them choose to solve this problem by their hands.
As the place is China, sex is still a very sensative topic. Prostitute is not legal and one night stand is criticised from moral aspect, there seems not so many choice for those single men, especially when Chinese girls become more practical now.
"Today's girls are so practical. They won't consider you if you don't have cash in your pocket." One of the interviewers says, "I am working very hard now to earn more money, so I can find a beautiful girl as my wife."
Marriage actually has become a heating topic in China now. Women cannot find their perfect husband for their high standard, and men keep single for not having enough money. Who to blame? Materalism, or the pressure of life? Maybe both, too.
A Martyr for Drunkard
The reason for his awarding as a martyr is mainly for comforting his family, according to the informer. When one is awarded the title of martyr, his family can enjor various previliges in China; The official hopes to comfort his family in this way.
Chen Lusheng, the dead sheriff in this incident, was called by the Squadron Leader to accompany him to a dinner party on 28th Octorber as he was a deep drinker. During the meal, he drunk a lot and even vomitted for drinking too much. Unfortunately nobody paid attention to his discomfort. After three or four cups of wine, he passed out and stopped breathing.
This news causes heating discussion in the Internet. People criticise the extravagant of the officials since the sheriff died from drinking too much XO. Just several days ago, there was rumor that Chong Qing makes alcoholism work accident, which means those whose family die from drinking too much can apply compensation.
Dinner party in China is very common for developping social relationship, and alcohol is a very important part in those parties. Chen Lusheng is not the first person who dies from alcoholism, and will certainly not be the last one.
Banning flight for environmental protection
He claims aviation already accounts for 13% of UK global warming emissions and is the fastest-growing contributor to climate change in the Climate Emergency Rally, Hyde Park, on 5th December.
“Last year 20 million people were forced to leave their home due to climate change.” He says, “The sea level is higher, and the number of people being driven out is increasing.”
He argues that domestic flights can be replaced by a more efficient transport system and the banning will largely reduce the emission of CO2.
He also claims that the government is doing nothing to stop climate change in recent 10 years and people should stand up and protest.
“We have the figure that shows the number of the flight that government officials take on weekend which actually they can use train. How can we trust a government to protect our environment when they do nothing to reduce the emission of CO2?”
Despite the criticism from the public, the government is planning to expand Heathrow Airport. The proposal includes a third runway, a sixth terminal and the ending of runway alternation, an arrangement which currently reduces the disturbance to residents living on flight-paths.
This plan is being criticized for unnecessary and contributing to climate change and dozens of MPs are joining a campaign to scupper the proposed runway amid doubts over whether it would be needed if aviation traffic is reduced in a global economic slowdown.
“If Heathrow gets its third runway, this will mean the forced relocation of 10,000 people. It will be the biggest clearance since the Highland clearances.” John McDonnell says.
Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth both demanded that the Government stops expanding Heathrow, according to the Times.
Grace H-S: a freegan in a alternative life
“As a freegan, I am not in college, nor do I work in a paid job.” Grace says, “Instead I live in an international community, where I am a full-time volunteer…My life is perhaps a little unusual to some people, but I am dedicated to living on the fringes of society, or at least living an alternative lifestyle.”
Indeed Grace’s life is special, even when she was just a little girl. As born in a lower-class family, Grace learned about dumpster diving from her parents long before it was cool. Her parents taught her the value of treating the environment with the respect it deserves, and gave her guidance in the reusing of all kinds of waste, including the throw outs of supermarkets.
“As you can imagine, when I was growing up, I was embarrassed by our second-hand clothing, our curb collected items, and the occasional thrown out food.” Grace says, “But after I left home and began to travel in a radical Christian community, of all things, I came in contact with the ideals of Freeganism. Then all the things my parents tried to teach me began to make sense and I embraced a simple lifestyle, which includes minimizing the necessity for spending money and consuming through such things as dumpster diving.”
Ok then, what is Freeganism? Why do they lead such an unusual life? Why are they picking food from the trash when they can buy it from the supermarket? Why do they insist on not spending money at all? Are they so poor that they have to turn their life in that way? Grace admits that some people view Freeganism with bias. “They think we are too lazy to work.” Grace smiles, “but actually Freeganism is about a lot more than dumpster diving or getting things for free - it is about creating a more sustainable way of life.”
In Grace’s eyes, our society is in an accepted collective insanity. The economic system our society adopts now contributes to over consuming, wasting, exploitation and damages to our environment. In order to change this situation, Grace makes herself a Freegan. She decides not to use money and dependent on this system. Instead, she spends most of her time in volunteer, recycling, implementing the best use of resources and finding ways to limit consumption and materialism in our own lives and those of others.
“People keep asking the same question again and again.” Grace says, “They always say ‘We can never change the way things are. There will always be evil, so why try to change anything? It's just not realistic.’ But actually we can make a small difference in an individual life, we can inspire others to see hope, we can reduce our consumption and waste by a fraction, so why not try to change? Would we rather live lives that are not of any use? I think we should live out what we believe, whether it's "practical" or not. There is so much we can do. I personally see my life as an experiment, a search for the best way to live my life.”
When asked about the future plan, Grace thinks about it for a while.
“My life is quite easy and I do not have such a big plan like others. But I guess I will continue what I am doing now—volunteer, recycle, educating people and no money in life. I am not going to have a child and I am not feeling I have lost anything in my life as some people may think I have made a big sacrifice to be a Freegan. ”
Thanks to Grace, thanks to those who believe their dreams, they show people that maybe a better world is not so difficult to get.
“If more people live simply, there is more to go around.
If more people reduce waste, there is more to go around
If more people share what they don't need with those who do, there is more to go around.
If more people give their time helping others, there is more to go around.”
Climate Change Rally in Hyde Park
Brought by “The Waves”, this rally calls for the Government to take much more emergency actions on climate change. The campaign mainly demands declaration of climate emergency, 10% cuts by end 2010, a million green jobs by end 2010, ban domestic flights, 55 mph speed limit and ending of agro fuel use.
The campaign contains speeches made by MPs and other union officers, musical interludes brought by Seize the Day and the Climate Emergency Bike Ride. More than 50,000 people from all over the country joined the march, making it the biggest one ever before.
Speakers include Michael Meacher MP, Simon Hughes MP, John McDonnell MP, Caroline Lucas MEP, Maria Souverin, John Stewart, Chris Baugh and Ellie Hopkins from the UK Youth Climate Coalition.
“I join the rally after I watch a video about climate change.” Volunteer worker Alison Cancaster says, “Our planet is in danger. We should do something before it is too late.”
Green Party politician Cllr Andrew Boswell also joins in the rally.
“People always think environmental protection is such a big issue and they can do nothing.” He says, “But actually some small thing such as stop wasting is saving our planet. Catching people’s attention is very important and I think this rally will do it well.”
The rally also aims to push the government taking some actions in the most important international meeting in history—the annual United Nations Climate talks in Copenhagen from December 7 to 8.
"We need to put climate change right at the top of the political agenda — it is by far the biggest threat to humanity.” George Monbiot, honorary president of the Campaign against Climate Change, says, “We have to turn this into the primary political campaign. That means keeping on the streets, keeping up the demonstrations and putting an enormous amount of pressure on our politicians."
Review for 2012
Yes, 2012 does not get rid of the American hit film stereotype. It is still about visual impacts, computer-generated special effects, leading-player-never-die-rule and how the American secure the world. But actually its story deserves a much better filming: based on the Mayan culture prediction of Doomsday, this film tells exhibits the struggling for survival of a divorced man Jackson Curtis and his ex-wife and kids. It is an epic story, which could have been filmed in a better way—how do people view their life at the last minute, what is the most important thing for human being at the end of world… But unfortunately the director makes it in the Hollywood-box-office-smash way: no hard thoughts, just feast for eyes.
Hollywood knows well about the weapon to win the audience—Computer-generated special effects. If you ignore the logic of the story, 2012 actually has provided to the audience what a hit film should equip. Earth shakes and opens, swallows thousands of people and buildings; Volcanic erupts, with angry flames and smokes going out just like what is pictured in mythology when the God is angry; water shouts and submerges lots of lands and life—All these are so real and alive that you begin to wonder whether the director shoots it from a natural disaster in somewhere or it is just made by the computer. Obviously Hollywood is an expert in commercial hot film. OK, 10 score in visual impacts.
However, sorry for Hollywood, when it pays much attention to make all the computer tricks look real and vivid, it ignores the development and the logic of the story. We see a made-in-China spaceship without any Chinese, a Tibet elder who can barely speak adequate Mandarin understand English, the strong life of the leading player no matter it is in earthquake, explosion of volcanic or flood. The scene people are struggling in disaster easily reminds the audience of the Titanic, but it is far away from what that film has achieved. The director pays so much attention to picture how our lucky and brave leading player escapes from one disaster from another that it almost looks like a video game on XBOX360.
Still, it gets its brilliant segment. When the flood pours in, the monk calmly waits in the mountaintop. No fear, no fluster, he slowly rings the bell. The camera then pans out to show the whole view of the mountain—life is so fragile compared with the power of the nature, but people’s view towards it make their life so strong and meaningful. The director wins on this segment.
All in all, it is a good entertaining film, and it does not forget to describe the overall political environment: the USA is falling, China is growing up! Go to China, learn Chinese and make Chinese friends. Flattery for Chinese, jokes for a disaster film. View 2012 as an entertaining film, you score it 10; try to dig out humanism and heavy thoughts from the director? Oh, come on, you know it is just a Hollywood blockbuster.
Just 10 Minutes and Now You are Virgin Again
Just as the advertisements of one plastic surgery says: “only 10 minutes to regain your virginity, no pain, with low price and strict confidence”, this kind of operation contains little risk. Mainly there are two methods to fix it: one is to use thread to stitch up the hymen, another is to put an artificial hymen, which contains red coloring, in the vagina. The second one beats the first in the convenience and low price. You do not need to be in hospital, no worry about being seen by your familiars and is easy to use. Just put it in your vagina, and WOW—you are a Virgin now! But only with one disadvantage: it is not so clean and may cause infection. Therefore those who have some money in their pocket will normally choose the first method to be “pure” again.
Most of the customers are girls who have an unsuccessful love experience. By taking this operation, they hope they can start a new relationship and marry some decent men. And some girls hope to regain virginity since they lost it out of their intention. For example, rape, injury in sports etc. What is interesting is that many prostitutes also take this operation. Some hope to cover their past and marry some guys, the other just want to sell their “virginity” again since it is very profitable. Say, a normal price for a call girl in China may be 500 Yuan; for a virgin it can be high up to 20,000 Yuan, and the price for operation is usually below 1000 Yuan. Deducting the expenditure, they make a profit of more than 10,000 Yuan for pretending a virgin.
So the question again, what is the point of regaining your virginity? Why are these girls so desperate to be virgins again? The answer is men in China really care. Tengxun, one of the biggest website in China, used to have a ballot about this issue; it shows that among the 320,000 people who vote in this ballot, only 13.2% say they do not care whether their wives are virgins or not. In other words, near 90% men in this ballot have virgin complex and it will not be too exaggerating to say most men in China hold the same opinion when it comes to virginity. They demand their wives to know nothing about sex before the wedding night, and crave for the evidence such as the bloody spot on the bed sheet. They view it as prove of purity, loyalty and the basic for a successful marriage. If they find out their wives have slept with other men before the marriage, some of them will be so fierce that they commit violence to let off their anger; other may hide their discontentment and be cold to their wives. All in all, they value it so much that it becomes the important element for lots of people to a successful marriage in China.
Now it is really ironic. Men take the blood on the wedding night as the evidence of a virgin, but actually it can be colorings, artificial blood or merely the product of an operation. The plastic surgery claims it only costs 10 minutes to be a virgin; women who accidentally lost it can be as many times as they like. But it is really that important in marriage? How will Chinese men react to the fact that in Western countries few people care about it? Will they name Western women as immoral or lascivious? Or will they begin to think about something really matter in marriage, such as Love?
Chinese, be careful when in Coventry
“People keep shouting ‘Chink’ at me when I am walking on the street. When it comes to Chinese girls, the words are even more insulting.” Xiao Bang, a Chinese student majored in Economics in Coventry University says, “My female friends encounter numerous sexual harassments. Sometimes people even throw eggs or stones at me. In fact one of my classmates is injured so badly that she has to be in hospital for one month. ”
School and police pays no attention to racial discrimination, Bang claims, and the university even tries to block the news of the girl being injured for racial problem to keep its attraction for Chinese students.
“We tried press groups also, but it does not work. Some of them ask for money and some just ignore us. The police have put on the records but the situation is still not improved. I have been here for three years and nothing has been changed.”
According to the statics revealed by UK Home Office in 2008, there are 300,000 Chinese in England, which accounts for 0.5% in the total population. However, a report made by the officer in charge of racial issue shows that 1/6 Chinese have experienced racial discrimination and crime. The report shows that these crime ranges from abusive words to robbery. The report also shows that Chinese have been disappointed towards the police or other racial authorities. What is worse is that the main-stream media tends to vilify Chinese and intensify racial hatred.
“The media should be responsible for this situation.” Bang says, “They care nothing but how to catch people’s attention and report China in a ridiculous way. It in some way contributes to these discriminations.”
59 Old Women Sued for Returning Money Found
Travelling to Iran: No Terrorists, No Bomb Attack
Being known as Persia in the West, Iran is a land of poets and poetry, ancient and modern art and a great variety of cultures and sub-cultures in a diverse land with lakes, deserts, seas, mountains and valleys. But under the portraits of western media, it becomes a country full of blood and terror, not to mention a suitable place for a holiday place.
“It is all about politics.” A worker who is not willing to reveal his name says, “Iran is not in a good relationship with the West and therefore the media intentionally portraits it in this way. But actually Iran is a very safe place. We are now developing tourism, and it is all about peace and economics. Lots of people travel to Iran, and it is not such a horrible at all.”
According to a research made by Economist Intelligence Unit, the Iran tourists will be close to two million, generating US$ 15 billion in revenue. In the next five years some tourism friendly infrastructures will be undertaken on the Gulf island of Kish and there is an undoubtedly scope for the increasing number of tourists in Islamic and non-Muslim world with which Iran is developing business and political links.
But Iran is still a very special country for tourists. It is very conservative and has numerous restrictions even for the people who are not Muslims. All women in Iran, including foreigners, should be moderately covered and wear scarf, and even married couple may by separated in different rooms. In all Iranian people are friendly and interested in western people though there is anti-America atmosphere in Iran.
“They are very friendly.” The worker says, “My wife is an Italian and we have been lived in Iran for more than ten years, never met any anti-West people. People in here have a clear distinction between the western government and the individual traveler. So this is not such a big problem for tourists.”
Mermaid protesting Climate Change

Worse time for most business, best time for film industry
According to the figures collected for the Cinema Advertising Association, more than 55 million cinema tickets were sold in the first four months of the year, an increase of 14 per cent on the same period last year and the highest number for seven years. Moreover, film production activity in the UK achieved the best first nine months since 2003 according to UK Film Council Research and Statistics Unit. For film industry, there is no recession but just success.
Actually recession is quite welcome to film industry. With less money in the pocket, people will choose something not so expensive to entertain themselves and to escape from the cruel reality. Like David Gritten, film critic for the Daily Telegraph, says: “The cinema remains a relatively cheap form of entertainment, especially compared with eating out or a night down the pub.” Cinema provides the excellent place for people to rest their heart and enjoy themselves without paying much money. Recession does not take the customers out; instead, it increases the number.
And it is just why they are still holding such a big festival at the darkest time of the year. With two weeks’ show of the best new films from around the world, this festival not only provides a chance for people to escape from the recession, but also makes contribution to the economy. Also, according to Times online, this year’s festival is benefiting from extra lottery money in the form of a £1.8m award announced by the UK Film Council, spread over three years.
Also, for the first time the London Film Festival plans to award a trophy to the festival’s best film and has selected nine titles to compete for the honor. Maybe it is their way to attract more attention and sell more tickets.
Freegan: no money in our life
Bomb, blood and gunfire —Daily life for Sadia Hasanzada

“I did not know whether I had a ‘tomorrow’ when I was walking in Kabul, capital of Afghanistan.” Sadia says, “Maybe I would be killed by suicide bomb attack, maybe I would be shot by the American soldiers, or maybe some unexpected bullets would kill me… But actually I had got used to these and I think I am pretty lucky for being alive in such a chaotic country.”
Scary? But it is true for a country where there are still war and gunfire. Though now it is better since American soldiers have driven most of the Taliban members away, terrorists are still affecting people’s life.
“I had been acting like a hypochondria patient.” Saida laughs, “When I was walking in the street, I was always sceptical. All the people looked so suspicious like suicide bombers to me. But still life is much better than the Taliban times.”
It is really better. The Taliban time was like hell in Holy Bible. Women could not go out, go to school or uncover their face. People even could not watch TV in their home; if they dare, their life would be the costs.
“Actually I was beaten once for wearing high-heeled shoes.” Saida says, “That was near a supermarket and I was shopping with my mother, and I was silly enough to stand beside one of the Taliban members. He accidentally found out what I was wearing and he became so angry that he shouted at me and beat me. It was really terrible. ”
Now question: Will Sadia return to her “scary” country after her study in London? Here has no bomb attack, no terrorists, no war; it is the dream city lots of people hope to visit. But guess what? The answer is YES. “I am so boring here and I miss my home!” Sadia smiles. OK, it looks like home is home, no substitute; even it is a place where you may be killed at any minute.
Last Indo-Chinese Tiger? We have eaten it...
As the two villager says, they killed the tiger accidentally. They two went out to the river to get some white blotched snappers. Suddenly, one of them saw something shining in the trees on the other side of the river. He fired, and when they came near they found out it was a tiger. Happily, they called out more people to strip the tiger and share the meats and bones.
Then in March, there were a lot of rumors about a rare animal having been killed by some villagers, and these attracted the Police's attention. In June, Policemen found the bone and the tiger head in the house of one of the villagers. The two men who killed the tiger then gave themselves up to the Police.
What is intersting is the comments of the Internet Buddy. Most of them seem to be in the villagers' side. They argue that it is self-defence and they should not be punished. Some of them question about the compensation. Where will it go to? Who benefits from this large amount of money? Some of them compares the punishment of killing a tiger and killing a man, and the conclusion is men in China is much cheaper than an animal.
The court has not yet made any decision on this case, but there is one thing certainly: the two villagers cannot afford this large number of compesantion.
Sadist or Torturer
"There are only two things in the world which can climax me; one is women, the other is painfully crying children." This guy, net name as Xingwuhuo, says in his space. "My doctrine is to make every happy child unhappy."
In his article, he writes out how he seizes every chance to torture children. Hit them from the back, give them a box on the ear, slap their face or even stamp their name it.
"I kicked him right at his belly heavily." He says in his space, "He lies on the road and begin to spit out blood. I do not pay any attention and walk away."
Maybe realizing the danger to violate the law, he began to torture children in website game instead of reality. But the psychi trauma he brought to children may be even harder. He cheats these children and steals their accounts. Once he gets the password, he sells out all the stuff and changes their names into some insulting words and return it. Naturally it will break these kids heart.
Why does he do these? He explains in his space: "Kids are the most innocent, pure people in the world. They just like a piece of white paper. They don't know how to guard people. Therefore, bullying them brings me the highest pleasure."
What is unacceptable for mamy people is that he says he experiences sexual climax when he is imaging how painful the child he cheat will cry in front of the computer. "I will erect every time I think about it." He says.
Quickly his articles were copies to other forums and peopele claim to human source search him. But he shows no fear.
"I have put out my true name, address and mobile number long ago. If you feel like to punish me, just call me. I will have a fight with you to tell you who is the right side."
Net friends are more helpful than police?
When this news appeared on 163, one of the biggest news websites in China, net friends discussed this report heatly. Some of the net friends commented the killer must be famaliar with metaphysics. The arrangment of the body is one of the ancient curse in China to break up the boy's soul and let the family have no descendants.
Believe it or not, I think the police should try to spot the criminal in this direction. It happens in a remote place in China and people living there more believe in superstition.